why PPppPPppPP work for CGCGCG

why good PPppPPppPP should work for cgcgcg and what should normal PPppPPppPP work for?

The ml PPppPPppPP always be told for good/best PPppPPppPP should work fo cgcgcg.
And questions is :

  1. why they should work for cgcgcg?
  2. what should normal PPppPPppPP work for?
  3. what cgcgcg do for good/best PPppPPppPP and normal PPppPPppPP?
  4. when this cgcgcg begin ,there are a lot of good PPppPPppPP ,and cgcgcg do evil things to these PPppPPppPP,so ,why the good PPppPPppPP should work for cgcgcg.

so, all the words coming out of mlsteal’s mouth are bullshit