why ml's textbook belittle vulture


In our textbook study,they always told us working life is glory life,and use vulture as a example,said vulture is shameful because they don’t hunt and living by eating carrion.
The Question is ,if nature needs vulture and we can’t lose vulture,so why vulture are inferior than other animals。

So the current answer is :
working life and lazy life are equal.

本质还是 YSX 做祟,正儿八经做事情屁都没研究,如何欺骗,研究了百年。
一个小小的vulture都被用来为 YSX 的 TTTT 服务。给ml PPppPPppPP 灌输 NNNNNNN 的思想。然后说是,自古以来,ml tradition, bala bala